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on October 10, 2015 at 11:47:26 pm

"Hoe-Down" from Rodeo

Composer: Aaron Copland



What cultural and historical facts to do we know about the song?

"Amazing Grace" is an African-American spiritual dating back to the 1700's.     





What is the song like when sounded by traditional instruments/voices?

It was sung originally, not played in a string orchestra.





How is the song taught traditionally?

Aurally/by rote. Maybe even call and response.





How does Capriccio Espagnol mean for people who live in Spain today?





What does Capriccio Espagnol mean to people from Spain or people whose families are from Spain who live in our community today?





How we can play the song in a way that illustrates what we’ve learned about how a person can reflect and respect a song and the people who own it and think it important?






Print Sources




Website Sources

Source Name Page # Quote






Audio Sources


  1. Source 1
  2. Source 2
  3. Source 3
  4. Source 4


Video Sources


Title Embedded address Title Embedded address



Sources Used


Source Name Location Description
  Performances, Scores, Recordings





Orchestra Name Month-Year School-Location


Conductor-Teacher New York Philharmonic
Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade; Capriccio Espagnol; Flight of the Bumblebee




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